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When you learn to love and value yourself, you can experience a piece of heaven! In this video clip, Anita Moorjani, (author of Dying to Be Me) talks about her near-death experience with lymphoma and how it helped her to understand what our illnesses can teach us and what really matters most in our lives.

Evolutionary_Mystic Post

Anita Moorjani Shares Her Near Death Experience

In her inspirational memoir, Dying to Be Me, about fighting cancer and crossing the boundary between life and death, Anita Moorjani tries to give readers an understanding of her miraculous near death experience. Is there really a border between heaven and earth, between time and eternity?

During my near-death experience (NDE), it felt as if I were connected to the entire universe and everything contained within it; and it seemed that the cosmos was alive, dynamic, and conscious. I found that every thought, emotion, or action I made while expressing through the physical body had an effect on the Whole. In fact, in that realm of Oneness, it felt as though the whole universe were an extension of me. This realization has, of course, dramatically changed the way I view things. We’re all co-creating this world and our lives within it through our…

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