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recall: I love science!

The Magician’s Twin:
C. S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society

The Discovery Institute released the book The Magician’s Twin, edited by John G. West in 2012. West was a senior Fellow of the Institute and one of the editors of the highly C. S. Lewis Readers’ Encyclopedia. The Magician’s Twin is actually a collection of essays written by contemporary writers about Lewis’s warnings of how dehumanizing scientism would take us in ethics, politics, education, faith, reason, and even in science itself.

The book explores Lewis’s views on bioethics, eugenics, evolution, intelligent design, and what he called “scientocracy.” The book is divided into four sections: Science & Scientism, Origins, Reason, and Society.

The Magician’s Twin addresses and challenges the claim that the works of C. S. Lewis are a friend to Darwinian evolution. The book does not address the question of the age of the earth. It’s chapters profess dangerous implications of the Darwinian theories of evolution. Three chapters by John West address how ‘neo-Darwinism’ and ‘scientific materialism’ shape American public policy and culture since the nineteenth century to the present. Writes West, Lewis was “appalled by the growing dogmatism and intolerance he saw among evolutionists.”

C.S. Lewis foresaw that science could be twisted by greed and self-aggrandizement in order to attack religion, undermine ethics, and limit human freedom. The description of Transhumanism (the human enhancement movement) is written in Lewis’s predictions in “The Abolition of Man” and is seemingly frighteningly accurate as today, technology advances rapidly while moral knowledge declines.

In the video documentary “The Magician’s Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case Against Scientism,” leading scholars explore Lewis’s prophetic warnings about the abuse of science and how Lewis’s concerns are increasingly relevant for us today.


.NOTE: Lewis believed in the common descent of all human beings from one non-human ancestor, although he was skeptical of unguided natural selection.


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I love the show and C. S. Lewis. I don’t care about evolution. Some of it occurs — so what. I have a simple approach:

    • The complexity of our universe is a created universe sustained by a protection of energy that supports and sustains life.
    • Every cell of our bodies is new in a year and each new cell is a product of thoughts that we think.
    • The universe came about from cause. It plays like a fine instrument. The universe operates by perfect uniform laws of nature.
    • God constantly reveals more simply the complexities of His universe.
    • DNA assures that we will act just as God’s plan calls for from each of us at just the right moments doing in those moments just the exact thing that we as unique aspects of an entire community of humanity must do at an exact time so that we will keep our subconscious agreements with each other. Those moments are unavoidable. Our circumstances will compel us to be exactly in the right place at the right time and we will do and or say exactly the right thing then; no matter what we may mess up most of the rest of our days. We are usually unconscious about it or chalk it off to coincidence. There are no coincidences.
    • Most of us are unconscious about our individual purpose until the time is exactly right and even then it rarely dawns upon most any of us that we have a purpose.
    • We are eternal spiritual beings. Most of us are fearful much of the time and thus we are separated from knowing fully God’s loving presence. Some of us are even oblivious about God.
    • We all need to be aware that our upsets belong to we as individuals and take responsibility for these without finding fault with anyone else.
    • We must be loving and compassionate, empathetic and we must find our self-actualized purpose before looking to outside for satisfying relationships.
    • The Holy Spirit is the protecting and sustaining energy of this universe. We ought look inward and be still to allow the Spirit to fill our bodies and fully enliven our hearts and then the Spirit will direct us as we’d never known possible.


More C. S. Lewis


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