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I always wanted to create art works that incorporate random sorts of forms like clouds for example. For most times, I was unable to do so though. This strange urge always was in the back of my mind though. Recently, I became interested in fractals because my interest in the workings of our universe led me this way. So, today, I want to share some of the basics of fractals, complex patterns and the new geometry that is necessary for physics, cosmology, biology, neuroscience, psychology, sociology, and just about every area of science and social studies.

Fractal Patterns


Fractal pattern examples include clouds, snowflakes, mountains, river networks, cauliflower or broccoli, and systems of blood vessels. Trees and ferns are fractal in nature and can be modeled on a computer by using a recursive algorithm. More examples: here and here and here

The Mandelbrot set, named after Benoit Mandelbrot, is a fractal that is infinitely complex.




Fractal Geometry


Imagine using classic geometry focused in compass and straightedge constructions to construct complex images and structures that have roughness as Benoit Mandelbrot is fond of pointing out. It’s a no-go. Trust me; I spent some time at it a few decades ago. I was able to create a work of wonder but I spent nearly a hundred hours drawing my picture with mathematical precision. Today, I would be able to set up an equation and let the computer generate my images. Here is an example of using fractal geometry to create very complex structures with roughness.



The Frax HD Fractals video is an entertaining use of fractal geometry. Now, I’ll bring us up to speed on a practical application of using fractals to meet our higher needs. Fractal geometry is useful for all sort of complex creations and these days, we are linking fractal geometry into 3D-printing technology. For example, how about medical transplants and surgeries – here is an application that may boggle your mind.



I especially love to encourage young people to get involved with exploring our latest technology and scientific areas of study. I’ve seen a lot in my years, but these days new technology and science emerge much more rapidly. I keep up with it and so can anyone. Relationships are very difficult for young people to master, whereas gaining the knowledge of complex science and technology seems unrelated, believe you me, it is directly beneficial to having success in intimate important relationships. Move quickly into school and slowly into complex relationships.

The use of fractal mathematics is revolutionizing all of the sciences. It will one day revolutionize psychology and sociology as well. Presently, I’ll stay focused on biology, medical and physics. I can see by my experience as a teacher that learning about fractals is a new foundation skill like reading and math. I’ll post more about fractals in the future, for sure. Meantime, I hope this was an interesting introduction.



Thanks for visiting; and I pay a special thanks this time to Eve, a blog friend that encouraged me to explore the frontiers of “sacred geometry” that led me to discovering the simple complexity of fractals. The images link above to Eve’s recent post about fractals. I hope you may check her pages out. I recently realized she also maintains a photography blog and she’s displayed lovely shots there.  Blessing we all are to each other when we give it some time to do our best. 




New physics – spinning

What is quantum touch? 

Is consciousness physics?

A geometric solution for gravity – new physics spinning 

Quantum Physics, Relationality and the Triune God


Jul 11, 2014 .
