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Albert Einstein had a powerful internal motivation to explain how the universe and the quantum particles of our physical objects form. He wasn’t able to put this into mathematical expression. However, his contributions still amaze us. This post came together because although I didn’t want to take much time at first with it — when I received a comment and more interest than I’d expected, I decided to put more work into it. I do things like this sometimes with posts… it isn’t word-pressing of the normal sort but these articles really are mostly for me and those closest to me — I share here for reasons additional to public blogging.

I think (speculate) that Einstein “knew” that equations that he presented were from a greater consciousness than he alone; the inside workings of his fascination with reality that this inner vision, uniquely his to share, was from the source of his nature, to become a science for all of us in our shared reality. Perception then was as important to him as it is becoming in this modern age of exploring an inner shift and a great awakening. What sense we have in three dimensional reality is as difficult for us to understand as was a grand-unified theory for Einstein to explain.

I believe we are to pick up where Einstein left of — us all, together, coming to agreement that the outer reality is a mirror of sorts that, established here, in space-time as in a sense limiting us to the outer five senses while internally we have perhaps many softer, greater sixth senses.

I do my best to advance my own progress with these posts, while at the same time, making progress to advance understanding of our space-time universe. So, here I keep coming back to my initial inspirations with Einstein. While he is not the only scientist that I admire as deeply, his work is where I can be safely with this challenge to balance my inner knowing to what we perceive in our shared universe.

1905 was Albert Einstein’s year. While working as a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland, Einstein submitted a supplement to his special theory of relativity of earlier that year. In it he derived the most famous equation of all time; E=MC²; energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared.

The equation showed that mass and energy were related and that one could, in theory, be transformed into the other. But because the speed of light squared is such a huge number, it meant that even a small amount of mass could potentially be converted into a huge amount of energy.

Einstein – Birth Of God’s Equation (E=MC²)


Beginning in early disillusionment with religion, and developing an intense fascination with geometry, Einstein’s “theory of knowledge” moved him past the foundations of Newtonian physics to a development of his own theories of relativity, and later to opposition of some assumptions of quantum theory. 

Einstein’s great original contribution to quantum theory (1905) was just the recognition of how physical phenomena like the photo-effect may depend directly on individual quantum effects. He demonstrated step-by-step the conclusion that any radiation process involves the emission or absorption of individual light quanta or “photons” with energy and momentum (it was of great interest for me to review how human vision works).

E = hf and P = hs

h is Planck’s constant, while f and s are the number of vibrations per unit time and the number of waves per unit length


In 1909, Albert Einstein became associate professor of theoretical physics at Zurich, in 1911 professor of theoretical physics at the German University in Prague and then returned to the Institute of Technology in Zurich the following year. In 1914, he was appointed director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics in Berlin. He became a German citizen in the same year. In 1916 he published his theory of general relativity.

“When I was a fairly precocious young man I became thoroughly impressed with the futility of hopes and striving that chase most men restlessly through life. Moreover, I soon discovered the cruelty of that chase, which in those years was much more carefully covered up by hypocrisy and glittering words than is the case today. . . . As the first way out there was religion, which is implanted into every child by way of the traditional education machine. Thus I came, though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents, to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve.”

Albert Einstein built up his theory of gravity, general relativity, through a series of ‘thought experiments’ and mathematical proofs. In 1915 he showed that gravity is caused by objects with mass such as planets and stars warping space-time. For example, the Earth is caught in the curve in space-time caused by the Sun, and the Moon is caught in a warp created by the Earth.

Similarly light is bent when it passes massive objects like galaxies (it was of great interest for me to review how our human brain works to assemble an inner awareness of the outer physical universe that we can perceive by this both to limit our perceptions and also allow altering these internally — thus the benefits of changing how I perceive reality by seeking internally the humility of staying with my inner sense of confusions and upsets became essential to me). 

General relativity

Einstein’s theory has important astrophysical implications. For example, it implies the existence of black holes—regions of space in which space and time are distorted in such a way that nothing, not even light, can escape—as an end-state for massive stars.

There is ample evidence that the intense radiation emitted by certain kinds of astronomical objects is due to black holes; for example, micro-quasars and active galactic nuclei result from the presence of stellar black holes and black holes of a much more massive type, respectively.

The bending of light by gravity can lead to the phenomenon of gravitational lensing, in which multiple images of the same distant astronomical object are visible in the sky.

General relativity also predicts the existence of gravitational waves, which have since been observed indirectly; a direct measurement is the aim of projects such as LIGO and NASA/ESA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna and various pulsar timing arrays. In addition, general relativity is the basis of current cosmological models of a consistently expanding universe.

Einstein received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect and his work in the field of theoretical physics.

Einstein’s Theory Of Relativity

A really rare documentary about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity that changed our perception of reality and the workings of the Universe.


Time Since Einstein

Albert Einstein shattered previous ideas about time, but left many pivotal questions unanswered: Does time have a beginning? An end? Why does it move in only one direction? Is it real, or something our minds impose on reality? Journalist John Hockenberry leads a distinguished panel, including renowned physicist Sir Roger Penrose and prominent philosopher David Albert, as they explore the nature of time.


sources: BBC: General Relativity,
Albert Einstein Youth And College,
Einstein’s Philosophy of Science

I updated this post because the original video was deleted from Youtube. I added some additional video after replacing the missing video. Since I had posted this, I opened an account at Facebook. 

Check me out at Facebook here: www.facebook.com/Cellular.Eric

I love learning with you.

New post Eric



Einstein’s God

Einstein’s Big Idea 

Lightly Einstein

Einstein’s nightmares… part one

Einstein’s nightmares… part two

Einstein’s nightmares… part three

How the Universe Works (in 25 minutes)

jiggled — twisted warping and
curved space-time confirmed

